Rare Pro Woods Flooring


Rare Pro Woods kiln-dried red oak is available in 4/4 to 8/4

Rare Pro Woods's Appalachian Advantage:
While red oak grows abundantly throughout the Eastern United States, some of the finest lumber in the world comes from the Appalachian Mountain region of the U.S., where Rare Pro Woods is strategically located. The lumber is considered superior because of the benefits inherent in the location and the land. The climate is a main factor in producing the naturally superior quality. The slower growth of trees results in high growth rings, consistent grains, and strong fibers that lead to strength, durability, and beauty.

Product Information

Oak is the most widely used species in the U.S. due to its strength, desired appearance, and working properties. Red Oak is commonly used for flooring, furniture, cabinetry, architectural millwork/mouldings, doors, paneling, decorative veneers, construction, and more.

Sapwood is white to light brown; heartwood is brown with red and pink tones. Grain is mostly straight with a course texture. Red oak is similar in appearance to white oak.

Machines well, nails and screws well (pre-boring is recommended). Accepts stain well and can be stained with a wide range of colors. Can be polished to a fine finish. Dries slowly.

Red oak is the standard by which other species are measured for hardness, with a Janka Hardness Rating of 1290. The wood is hard and heavy, with medium bending strength and stiffness, and high crushing strength. It is a very good wood for steam bending.

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Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801, USA

Mon-Fri: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
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